Thursday, October 30, 2014

poetic response to the sound of the holyhocks

Sound of the flowers

A poetic response to the sound of the hollyhocks by garner

Your life was good
All happiness and flowers
Mom set it up so I didn't have a choice
I learned for years of a job that was
All ready for me to come
Since the moment I was born
But it wasn't all that bad
Because I met her.
She loved me and I loved her
But my mom would never except it
So we married in secret .
But it was over soon
She died and all I can have
Been the flowers from my garden
So let me tell you something that
You won't forget
Listen to flowers they are your only friend
Listen to the flowers cause they listen back.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

English 10 poem for " gentlemen, your verdict

Lieutenant-commander oram
The man that made the choice
To kill 15 men to save only five
Their sub was stuck, the engines
Are off and only air for 3 days
They couldn't live there is no way
But the commander had an idea
That will save only five . He called
Everyone to have a drink and in them
He put poison which killed the 15 men
And he gave his life too so these five
Could live. Now they stand in this courtroom
So they could explain that the commander's
Cause  was noble,